Sunday, November 16, 2008

No Retaliation until after Christmas

Yeah, I know - but on top of the need for time to find any willing Radiant mappers and scripters (not to mention voice actors,) I've got school, friends, and a dire need to take a break from making machinima that I'm obligated to finish. In that vein, last Sunday I filmed everything for a half hour long CoD 4 single player movie - in essence, Call of Duty 4: The Movie - and the other day I finished up a World at War video. So keep an eye out for those two, since I should get around to editing them sometime soon here. The Call of Duty machinima tutorial for PC I mentioned earlier should also be up soon, so there's another thing to keep an eye out for.


Unknown said...

Hey Connery,

May I have your email to get some info? Since there aren't credits, I don't know what songs you use, and some I would like to buy off of iTunes. If you want to keep your email confidential, mine is

Unknown said...

just a heads up - episode 4 doesn't have any direct link to episode 5 and episode 6 has a link to episode 1, but not 7.

Unknown said...

oh, and I just discovered Retaliation today. Fantastic film-making! Great job, Connery!

Unknown said...

Hi Connery,

first I should say that I'am a fan of your work. It's amazing to watch how you was able to use CoD4 scripts to make integral story. Work with camera, sound, choise of music and voice acting is fascinating.

Also I have a question: can you make subtitles for your series? My English isn't so bad but I can't really undestand some parts especially when the voice comes out the mobile phone or radio etc. And I also think I'm not alone who would be glad for subtitles. Thanks for your answer.

I would gladly help you with something but I'm not a programmer, scripter nor a mapper. Only thing I can offer is my voice. I played in theater for four years and now I'm member of a fencing group for five years. I'm Czech so maybe I could try some russian voices. It's just an idea. Anyway if you'll be interested you can write me a mail to

Good luck with your work in new year!

Unknown said...

Hopefully ya didnt forget us sir, hopefully a new episode is just around the bend, its been quite some time.

Wata-Shi Va said...

Waiting ... Waiting ... zzzzz

When is Retaliation 8 coming ?

Mac said...

Yo Connery !
Love the show man . This stuff is better than TV !!!!!!
I was hopeing you'd send me a list of the song's you used and who sang them . But I got to have that last song from
My e-mail is