Wednesday, January 21, 2009


OK, here's the skinny:

My hard drive crashed, and I lost the script for Retaliation's final episode. On top of that, still no luck with finding talented Radiant mappers. With classes starting back up again, and with me not wanting to end up relapsing and blowing my brains out trying to work the finale in between everything else, it looks like Retaliation is on indefinite hold. Because of the amount of time between releasing episodes 7 and 8, I was kicking around an idea to make a feature length COD 4 machinima out of the Retaliation storyline - but considering the amount of work that would take as well, it's just an idea at this point. So one way or the other, it seems there won't be anything from the series for the remainder of the new year.

Besides that, I finished shooting two 20 - 30 minute long World at War movies, each following the Marine and Russian campaigns respectively. It's not just a straightforward play by play of single player though, and even the unedited/un-color corrected footage I've got right now is easily some of the best visual work I've done in machinima. Period.

That's pretty much it - keep an eye out for those videos, and that tutorial when I get around to rewriting it.

Take it easy all.


hegelbegal said...

does that mean no retaliation until 2010? that sucks!

Anonymous said...

your shitting me right. it takes 1 year to produce an episode. at least shoot for possibly spring or summer. i know u have to put a lot of effort into it but i mean cmon a whole year and it has just started.

Unknown said...

well it isnt even really worth paying attention to a new retaliation episode, wont even have me locked for another year without new stuff. Thanks for the 7 episodes you did produce, series was good while it lasted. Should have had the shit backed up, honestly...>.>

Anonymous said...

ah give him a break, life takes priority period. i do hope you make the next episode the series has been superb! and man you mentioning the idea of a feature long version based on the story of retaliation i think i'd wet myself with anticipation! good job keep us posted on whats what :)

Unknown said...

love the series dude

J said...

Great Series!!!!!!

Sorry you lost all your HDD, that is rough. :(

Anyway, keep up the GREAT work and I will be waiting for the next episode whenever you get it done

Anonymous said...

Where can I find these WaW videos you mentioned? They sound pretty cool.

Junkyard129 said...


Take a look at my page on youtube ( when you sign back in. I also help Kootra with voice acting. So just a heads up let me know if I can help.


Iann said...

Hi Connery.

I have an offer for you, I'm thinking about adding subtitles to your series, what do you think about it?

I'm thinking about adding Croatian subtitle and upload it on youtube. Would be nice if some Spanish or French guys do the same thing. If you agree with it, if not, or either you want Machinima to upload it, I'd say yes.

Okay? Send me a message to let me know.

Btw, some scripts would be helpful. Some parts may be difficult, it your English accent :P

Mark said...

omg lovin the series so far i think when you have finished the final episode u should try and do 1 for the russians side. I have 2 agree with someone elses comment its better then tv so keep up the good work and hopefully the last episode will come out before christmas well done m8. could u tell me when the last episode is out

hegelbegal said...

so, any news yet sgtpadrino? or r u done with this series? I was thinking today, "aw, that retaliation series was really good. whatever happened to that?" then i remembered this whole year wait thing. do u think ur gonna finish it or not?

kintosol said...

Dame I'm praying for you man. I want to see Ep8 before i go back to T.D.C (Texas Department of corrections).
I know you got a life to live so don't let the critics bother you. And i hope what you're doing makes you a millionaire. I'm praying for you homey.

kintosol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

YO DOOD ITS BEEN 14 MONTHS. you need help or something? i need to know what happens. this is is the most amazing shit i have ever seen. and i found out after hawkins was captured that you didnt have the final episode. this is killing me on the inside. please do something. i got people who can do your radiant mapping